About the Exhibition
After successful completion of the last edition of Nepal Medical Show, EEPC India presents to you the 4th edition of Healthcare Supply Chain Show (HSCS) & 7th edition of Nepal Medical Show. Nepal Medical Show is a well proven platform for the manufacturers and exporters who are keen to explore, showcase, establish and expand to new or existing markets in Nepal. The largest event of its kind, Nepal Medical Show – brings together healthcare leaders from a variety of disciplines to collaborate and learn. The focus area of the show is medical & surgical, clinical diagnostic hospital infrastructure, medical tourism, medical science and technology. The Show offers the exhibiting companies to not only present their innovations, products and services but to meet the key decision makers from the industry. It also provides an opportunity to professional visitors to gain comprehensive information about the developments in key industries.
Healthcare Supply Chain Show (HSCS) aims to link medicines, equipment's, infrastructure, suppliers, vendors and hospitals for efficient and effective utilization of resources at various associated segments. In order to fulfill needs of the entire Healthcare Sector this event is conceived giving One Stop Solution to meet all requirement of the Healthcare Segment from Medical Devices to infrastructural requirements.
Highlights of
Nepal Medical Show & Healthcare Supply Chain Show in 2023:
6500 Trade Visitors
Over 240 Exhibitors
800 Health Care Institutions
Economic scenario of Nepal
Nepal had a strong rebound in FY 2022 from the aftereffects of the COVID pandemic when the economy however the growth suffered in the recent year owing to tighter monetary policy and higher international prices. With increase in tourism and outmigration, the foreign exchange reserves and the remittances are again on an upward journey. Given the high import demand in the country, there is a fair chance that imports will again grow in the coming months.

India and Nepal’s Bilateral Trade
Nepal is an important export destination for Indian engineering industry in India’s neighbourhood. It regularly features among India’s top 25 engineering export destinations. Between 2018-19 and 2022-23, India’s exports to Nepal increased from USD 7.76 billion to USD 8.01 billion. While during this period, Nepal engineering imports from India declined, there is significant potential for expansion.

Opportunity for Indian medical devices in Nepal
Due to the weaknesses exposed by the COVID pandemic in Nepal’s health infrastructure, the Government of Nepal has increased its health budget by 45 percent for the next FY to build new hospitals as well as upgrade existing ones.Also, in recent years a large number of hospitals with modern medical technology and facilities have come up in the country especially in the capital, Kathmandu. These hospitals have continued to upgrade their testing and treatment facilities and therefore require modern medical equipment. There is significant competition from China which is the number one supplier in the Nepalese market. Competitions from other suppliers USA and Germany are also coming. In this background it is important for India to participate in the Nepal Medical Show to maintain their presence and increase their share in the Nepalese market.
Product Profile
- Anesthesia Products
- Bio Medical Instruments
- Blood Bank Equipment
- Cardiology Equipment
- ICU / CCU Equipment
- Dental Equipment & Implants
- Diagnostics Products
- E.N.T Instruments
- Electro Medical Instruments
- Endoscopy
- General Surgical Products
- Gynecological Products
- Hospital Furniture & Fixtures
- Hospital Garments
- Infant & Baby Care
- Laparoscopy
- Medical Disposable Products
- Medical Gas Pipe Line
- Modular OT & OT Equipment
- Neonatal Devices
- Operating Tables & Shadow Lights
- Operation Theater Equipment
- Ophthalmic Instruments
- Orthopedic Implants
- Pathological Instruments
- Physiotherapy Equipment
- Rehabilitation Products & Aids
- Suction Units
- Surgical Disposable
- Surgical Medical Rubber Goods
- X-Ray Instruments
- Accreditation Agencies
Bhrikuti Mandap, Kathmandu, Nepal
Date & Time
29 February - 2 March 2024
Participation Charges
Booth Size: 9 sqm
- EEPC India reserves the right to reject an application for participation without assigning any reason.
- In case of not receiving a minimum number of participants, EEPC India may decide not to participate in the show.
- No subletting or sharing of space/ booth is permitted.
Re-imbursement of Airfare:
Up to Rs. 90,000 may be reimbursed to eligible participants in terms of the MAI guidelines. However, this shall be subject to receiving of specific Govt. approval for such assistance for events of 2023-24. The T&C must be abided by for eligibility towards such re-imbursement. For detailed guidelines please click the following link:
Guidelines for Reimbursement of AirfareRe-imbursement of Freight
MSME participants may also be reimbursed 50% of the freight charges for carrying exhibits to this exhibition, subject, however, to a limit of Rs. 50,000 (Rs. Fifty Thousand only). The eligibility criteria would be similar to those applicable for airfare re-imbursement. However, this shall be subject to receiving of specific Govt. approval for such assistance for events of 2023-24.
Mode of payment
Please pay online through the following Payment Gateway :
Pay through RTGS/NEFT in INR as per the following details :
Name of the Bank : HDFC BANK LTD
Branch : Central Plaza
Address of Bank : 2/6, Sarat Bose Road, Kolkata 700 020
Account Number : 00142090000452
Account Name : EEPC INDIA
NEFT Code : HDFC0000014
UPI ID: eeplindiaacpromotion.76041638@hdfcbank
Demand draft favouring “EEPC INDIA” along with the duly filled-up Applicaon Form
Note : In case of not receiving a minimum number of participants, EEPC India may decide not to participate in the show.
Booth display
Participation charges for a 9 sqm. booth includes the following services:
- Octonorm Walls
- One Table
- Two Chairs
- One Socket (5 Amp)
- Three Spotlights
- Carpet
- Fascia Name
- One Waste paper bin
- No applicant can avail susidised rate if in the same event, the applicant (exhibitor) has already participated three times.
- No applicant can avail susidised rate if the applicant (exhibitor) has already participated in three MAI aided events in the current financial year.
Submission of Application
Interested members are requested to fill in the online Application Form latest by 15 February 2024 at the following link:
Please go through the "Mode of Payment" section for payment details.
Click here to registerSelection Criteria
Since limited space is available, selection of participation will be done strictly on first-come, first-served basis.
For further information, please contact,
Mr. Joy Chatterjee
Email - jchatterjee@eepcindia.net
Phone - 9830246945
Benefit to the member-exporters
EEPC India is organizing this event under the MAI Scheme of Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India. The rates mentioned above are subsidized in comparison with the normal rates offered by the Fair Authorities.
Cancellation of participation
Please note that no request for cancellation and/ or refund including of advances, if any and/ or adjustment thereof shall be accepted for any reason whatsoever. Once the application form and/ or advance/ part payments are accepted by EEPC India the participant remains liable to pay in entirety the amounts due from them on account of the event. In case members are not able to travel due to travel restrictions/advisory by Government of India or Nepal then the amount paid will be adjusted toward the participation in the next edition.
Force Majeure
If a Force Majeure Event like war, act of God, natural calamities, governmental directives, civil commotion, epidemic, pandemic, etc. or alike events occurs inasmuch as that the fair authorities/ organizers consider that it is illegal, impossible, inadvisable or impracticable for the physical, onsite and in-person (i.e. ‘live’) elements of the Event to be staged, then in such situation and/ or circumstances the decision of the fair authorities shall be final and binding upon EEPC India and all its co-exhibitors/ participants. In such situation and/ or circumstances, if the fair authorities, organizers or the vendors appointed for providing diverse services related to the Event in question does not refund the monies paid by EEPC India and/ or does not otherwise absolve EEPC India from its contractual obligations then in such case the Co-exhibitors / participants remain liable to pay to EEPC India the contracted participation charge in full and shall not receive any refund from EEPC India of the amounts paid by the co-exhibitors/ participants. Further, if the fair authorities, organizers or the vendors, so appointed for the Event binds or rolls over EEPC India's participation in the future editions of the same Event in question, then automatically the participation of the co-exhibitor/ participant shall also be carried forward to such future editions of the Event and the amounts paid by them shall be given a credit for the successive edition. However, if there is any increment in the participation fees fixed by the fair authorities, organizers or in any other charges, budgets, etc. then such increased amount has to be paid by the co-exhibitor/ participant without any demur based on the space and booth booked by the co-exhibitor/ participant. In any event, a co-exhibitor/ participant cannot decrease the space or the booth size booked by them for the originally scheduled Event.
Note: Regarding goods taken out of India for exhibition or on consignment basis for export promotion, participants may refer to Circular No. 108/27/2019-GST dated 18.07.2019 of the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) which is the statute in the matter.
Contact details of the EEPC INDIA Offices:
Registered & Head Office
Mr. Suranjan Gupta, Executive Director
‘Vanijya Bhawan’, 1st Floor
International Trade Facilitation Centre
1/1, Wood Street, Kolkata 700016
Phone: (+91 33) 22890651/52
Fax: (+91 33) 22890654
E-mail: ed@eepcindia.net, eepcho@eepcindia.net
H.O. (Cell)
Mr. Adhip Mitra, Addl. Executive Director & Secretary
‘Vandhna’, 4th Floor
11, Tolstoy Marg
New Delhi 110001
Phone: (+91 11) 23353353, 23711124/25
Fax: (+91 11) 23310920
E-mail: eepcto@eepcindia.net
Ms. Anima Pandey
Regional Director (ER) and Director (Membership)
Vanijya Bhawan (2nd Floor)
International Trade Facilitation Centre
1/1, Wood Street
Kolkata – 700 016
Phone: (+91 33) 22890673/74
Fax: (+91 33) 22890687
E-mail: eepcrokol@eepcindia.net
H.O. (Cell)
Mr. Suranjan Gupta
Executive Director
‘Vandhna’, 4th Floor
11, Tolstoy Marg
New Delhi 110001
Phone: (+91 11) 23353353, 23711124/25
Fax: (+91 11) 23310920
E-mail: ed@eepcindia.net, eepcto@eepcindia.net
Registered & Head Office:
Mr. Adhip Mitra
Addl. Executive Director & Secretary
‘Vanijya Bhawan’, 1st Floor
International Trade Facilitation Centre
1/1, Wood Street, Kolkata 700016
Phone: (+91 33) 22890651/52
Fax: (+91 33) 22890654
E-mail: eepcho@eepcindia.net
Dr. Rajat Srivastava
Regional Director (WR) and Director (Marketing & Sales)
B-202 & 220, Aurus Chambers
Annex "B" (2nd Floor)
Behind Mahindra Tower S.S. Amrutwar Marg, Worli, Mumbai – 400 013
Phone : (+91 22) 42125555
Fax : (+91 22) 42125556
E-mail : eepcromum@eepcindia.net
Mr. Sudhakaran C.K. Nair
Sr. Deputy Director
TF- 313/A (3rd Floor), ATMA House
Ashram Road
Ahmedabad – 380 009
Phone : (+91 79) 26588720
E-mail : eepcsroahd@eepcindia.net
Mr. J. V. Raja Gopal Rao
Joint Director
Embassy Square, 103, First Floor
No.148, Infantry Road
Bengaluru – 560 001
Phone: (+91 80) 22261396 / 22268669
Fax: (+91 80) 22266914
E-mail: eepcsroblr@eepcindia.net
Mr. V. C. Ravish
Sr. Assistant Director
Soham Mansion (1st Floor)
No. 5-4-187/3 & 4/4, M. G. Road
Secunderabad – 500 003
Phone : (+91 40) 27536704
Telefax : (+91 40) 27536705
E-mail : eepcsrohyd@eepcindia.net
Mr. Gaurav Gupta
Assistant Director
Plot Comm. 1
Focal Point
Jalandhar – 144 012
Phone : (+91 181) 2602264
Fax : (+91 181) 2601124
E-mail : eepcsrojld@eepcindia.net